What you'll learn

Course 1: Supervised Learning: Regression and Classification

Course 2: Supervised Learning: Advanced Learning Algorithms

Course 3: Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning


Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computers ability to learn without being explicitly programmed ~ Arthur Samuel (1959)

Supervised learning

Supervised learning is simply learnings of A to B or input to output mappings. Learn from data labeled with the “right answers”.

Supervised learning examples with input to output mappings:

Input Output Application
Email Spam? (0/1) Spam filtering
Audio Text transcript Speech recognition
English Chinese Machine translation
Ad, User info Click? (0/1) Online advertising
Image, Radar info Position of other cars Self-driving car
Image of phone Defect? (0/1) Visual inspection
Sequence of words the next word Chatbot


To predict a number from infinitely many possible numbers. It tries to fit a line, curve or any other function Eg., Housing price prediction to predict the price of the house based on area (sq. ft) etc