
Get alert

We must be alert to trigger neuroplasticity. Getting alert involves many mechanisms but mainly the release of epinephrine (adrenaline) in the brain and body.

One simple way to become more alert is 25-30 deep breaths (inhales through the nose, and exhales through the mouth). Then exhale your air and hold your breath with lungs empty for 15-60 seconds. Then inhale once and hold your breath for 15-60 seconds. Let go if you want to.

Get focused

Mental focus follows visual focus. To increase your level of focus on the task you are about to do, stare at a point on a wall or screen, or object for 30-60 seconds before starting.

Generate Repetitions

Expect & Embrace errors

Insert Micro-rest intervals (at random)

A ratio of approximately 1 pause per every 2 minutes of learning is good but distributed at random, so not every 2 minutes on the minute.

Use random intermittent reward

Limit learning sessions to 90 minutes

After a long learning bout, do a NSDR Protocol

Get quality & sufficiently long deep sleep that night

Sleep Hygiene

What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to stimuli over time. On a cellular level it involves modifying the existing synapses, building new connections between neurons, and generating entirely new neurons and neural networks through neurogenesis.

Contrary to what was previously believed, brain development does not only occur in childhood — in fact, the adult brain is still capable of self-directed synaptic growth.